Time Marches On and On

Patricia J Frank
Psy.D. L.M.H.C, F.A.P.A.

One of the most valuable and irreplaceable things you have is your time. Once you spend your time on someone or something you cannot get it back again. Once spent, your time is irretrievable; when it is gone it is gone. You only have a finite amount. You cannot save it to be used later. It only exists in the moment.

Because it is so precious and so limited it is very important that you spend it wisely and well. You have to be discriminating. Do not squander your time. What you spend your time on becomes your life and who you are and what you accomplish. What you spend your life on will determine your identity and your legacy.

One thing everyone seems to want is more time; more time to be alive, more time to experience happiness, love and pleasure. Most people want more time to be creative, to make their mark and to make a difference.

It is vital to use the time you do have time to produce the greatest and most satisfying results and rewards. There are ways to maximize your time. Start by keeping track of the things that you spend a lot of time on. Are those things making you happy? Then look at your priorities and decide what is important to you. Examine all of the possibilities available to you to fulfill your goals and desires. Examine your past and current behaviors. Discard those behaviors that have not been and are not currently productive and don’t bring you closer to your goals. Then develop a plan to maximize how you spend your time every day. Monitor yourself and your activities.

Using your time effectively will increase the amount of time you have. How you decide to use your time is more important than what you spend your time on. It is all about the rewards and satisfaction you experience. Time is of the essence. Nothing is more important than your time.

Patricia Frank is a Licensed Psychotherapist. She can be reached at 305- 788-4864, Psychotherap.a2z@gate.net

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