Good news for the more than 54,000 drivers who registered for this year’s MDX Cash Back Program – the agency is sending you a 30 percent refund on the tolls you paid on the five MDX expressways. MDX will distribute cash back checks in December totaling $5.5 million, which means loyal customers who frequently traveled on MDX expressways can expect a check for about $100.
This is the second consecutive year that the MDX Board of Directors has approved the Cash Back Program, resulting from the efficiency of operations and construction and maintenance cost savings.
“MDX strives to lower the annual toll cost for customers by refunding their proportionate share of toll monies paid on the five MDX expressways,” said Louis Martinez, Chair of the MDX Board of Directors. “There were more than 112,000 SunPass transponders registered in this year’s program and 48 percent qualified for the rebate, effectively lowering their toll rates on average to below 50 cents.”
To qualify for the Cash Back Program, customers must be a SunPass customer in good standing, spend more than $100 annually in tolls on any of MDX’s five expressways and register for the program on the agency’s website during open enrollment, January through March. MDX’s five expressways in Miami-Dade County include SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR 836/Dolphin Expressway, SR 874/Don Shula Expressway, SR 878/Snapper Creek Expressway and SR 924/Gratigny Parkway. Tolls paid on Florida’s Turnpike, I-95 Express Lanes or the new Palmetto Express lanes do not qualify since these roadways are not under MDX jurisdiction.
MDX is a not-for-profit agency committed to enhancing value for its customers and investing in the mobility of the community. Customer toll payments fund the expressway construction projects that alleviate traffic congestion and create thousands of local jobs. Currently, MDX is modernizing two heavily traveled sections of the Dolphin Expressway (SR 836) and the Don Shula Expressway (SR874) to meet the needs of the growing community and improve safety and travel times.
After MDX meets its financial objectives, including debt repayment and operations and maintenance costs, the agency chooses to return the savings from its operational efficiencies to customers who pay more than $100 a year in tolls on MDX expressways. If the agency simply lowered the overall toll rates for every driver and on every toll under MDX jurisdiction, the discount would only amount to about a penny per toll. However, the Cash Back Program offers customers who travel frequently on MDX expressways a substantial discount.
To learn more about the MDX Cash Back Program, visit www.mdxway.com If you did not register for this year’s program, be sure to register for the 2017 Cash Back Program at www.mdxway.com during open enrollment, January 11 through March 31, 2017.
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