Summertime bring vacations and social events for Miami Christian students and alumni alike.
Beginning in June, students gathered for an overnight lock-in held in the school gymnasium from early evening to 8 a.m the next morning. During a mostly sleepless night, they played various sports and socialized.
In early August, a special event at Rapids Water Park was followed by the school’s annual Back to School Bash where students mingle and have a chance to meet the incoming new students.
In addition, some members of the 2013-2014 victorious Varsity Baseball Team participated in the Auburn University team camp, providing individual instruction with the university’s baseball staff that focused on individual as well as team skills. Each player participated in an extensive pro-style workout and was able to play at one of college baseball’s best venues.
Miami Christian congratulates MCS faculty member Charlene Coulter and MCS staff member Donna Gehring, both committing countless hours to community service this past year and receiving the prestigious Presidential Service Award. Numerous charities have been enriched with their gifts of talent and time.
In alumni news: Alyssa Nieves (’10) was appointed Chair of the Freshman Leadership Council at the University of Florida. She will oversee an estimated $12,000 budget and direct a team that works with freshmen students to provide leadership development and programming experience. Alyssa has also worked with the Leadership Council throughout her tenure at UF as a Council Member in her first year, a Director in her second year, then Vice President of Public Relations in her third year, and now Chairwoman of the Student Council as she enters her senior year. She’ll graduate in 2014 with a major in Public Relations and a minor in Theater.
Ariel LaRoche (’08) and Alex Leyva (’08) were married on June 22, 2013. Ariel just graduated with a Master’s Degree in Speech and Language Pathology from Florida International University. Alex graduated early last year from the University of Miami with a Major in Biology and a Minor in Chemistry. He then applied to 15 different medical schools and was accepted at all of them. He settled on Johns Hopkins, doing neurology research this summer before beginning his second year of studies in the fall.
Michael Gehring (’09) just received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Central Florida. Participant in a two-year College Graduate Leadership Program for Wawa Stores, he will train in various managerial positions to become eligible for general managing a store upon completion.
Reminder: School begins again on Wednesday, August 21. Anyone interested in enrolling may call Donna Gehring at 305-221-7754, Ext 773 for more information and a tour.