With 2017 bringing new resolutions of health and wellness to many, TeamFootWorks, producers of the highly-anticipated Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run Series, has announced the 2017 5K Run/Walk race date for Miami.
The Miami race is scheduled on Apr. 27, with a portion of the proceeds to benefit United Way. Registration is now open and filling quickly.
“We believe a healthy employee makes a healthy company, which is why the Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run welcomes everyone from 5K first-timers to seasoned runners who are looking to have fun, get healthy and build company morale,” said Laurie Huseby, race director for Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run. “With registration now open for the 2017 race series, we welcome companies of all sizes to hit the streets of South Florida as part of one of the largest 5ks in the nation.”
The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run Miami race registration deadline is Mar. 22 for the Thursday, Apr. 27, event which begins at 6:45 p.m. in
Bayfront Park, 301 Biscayne Blvd.
The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run Series (in three locations) attracts more than 1,200 South Florida companies and incorporates a special competition to award the overall men’s, women’s and co-ed teams in 20 different industries. The run is open to employees of businesses, corporations, government agencies, financial institutions and non-profits regardless of company size.
Known as “Florida’s Largest Office Party,” everyone is encouraged to participate and join their company team to walk or run as a group. Beginners can “ease into exercise” with friends, gain inspiration and motivation to continue walking and running to improve overall health, while competitive runners have the opportunity to shine amongst their co-workers and lead the corporate team to victory. Often this is the first step towards greater health and wellness amongst South Florida employees and their companies.
Sponsors of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run series include South Florida Mercedes-Benz Dealers, Baptist Health South Florida, AvMed, TD Bank, Intratec Performance Apparel, Club Med, Sharp, Comcast Business, UPS, and Miami Downtown Development Authority.
Registration is $40 per team member. For more information, contact TeamFootWorks at 305-666-RACE (7223) or visit www.mercedesbenzcorporaterun.com, www.facebook.com/MercedesBenzCorporateRun or www.teamfootworks.org.