Leadership Spotlight – Com.Michael Gongora

Leadership Spotlight - Com.Michael Gongora
Leadership Spotlight - Com.Michael Gongora

Leading Problem-Solving for the Miami Beach of Today and Tomorrow Commissioner Góngora has served Miami Beach for over fourteen years. His parents instilled in him the values of hard work, diligence, achievement and honesty. These values remained his foundation as he excelled in school, built a career, and dedicated himself to community service. This journey and commitment has inspired him to seek to become Miami Beach Mayor. He loves this community and combines his expertise in law, guidance from the community, government problem-solving skills and considerable energy to find and implement solutions to our toughest challenges. A leader who does not hide from difficult issues, he knows ‘the only way to get through it, is to go through it.’ From cleaning up our City, to implementing short and long term flooding relief to envisioning the sustainable Miami Beach of the future, Commissioner Gongora is ready to continue the important work of leading Miami Beach.

Commissioner Góngora has demonstrated commitment to forging a path of reform to address corruption in our City, specifically and sadly, within the Administration. His leadership has been key in reestablishing accountability, transparency and service. Through his decisions and unwavering posture, he has pressed for the firings and resignations of those responsible. Now, the City Administration has realigned toward public service over selfinterest and is being run by a new City Manager and many new department heads.

Implementing short term solutions while developing long-term, sustainable plans to address flooding has remained crucial for Commissioner Góngora. Recently, he moved to create an 11 member Flooding Taskforce consisting of experts, community members and relevant departmental staff to complement the permanent solutions of the Stormwater Master Plan.

Commissioner Góngora has long been the voice of sustainability. In 2007, he created Miami Beach’s first Green Ad Hoc Committee (now the Sustainability Committee.) The Sustainability Committee has become a model for other cities. However, a committee without a champion at the dais would not be effective. Commissioner Góngora has been instrumental in ensuring the implementation of the recommendations of the Sustainability Committee. This is a great example of government working inclusively and effectively. This sort of partnership has a delicate balance which may only be maintained and nurtured by the sort of leadership which Commissioner Gonogora brings to the table and will continue to bring as Mayor.

Recognizing sustainability as the business model of the future, in 2007, he prioritized two sustainable goals: one for the City to create a Sustainability Plan and the other to improve recycling. Consequently, Miami Beach implemented the Sustainability Plan in January 2011 and recently created a Citywide Recycling Program for Multifamily and Commercial Establishments. Making it easier for residents and visitors to recycle, forty-three 43 dual unit recycling bins were installed on Lincoln Road as part of a pilot, which if successful will be deployed throughout the City. Also, recycling and sustainable initiatives have become criteria, as appropriate, in many governmental contracts awarded by Miami Beach. It is an honor and sign that we are heading in the right direction that the City’s renewable energy project was recently acknowledged by President Obama’s administration!

This is just a spotlight on ways Commissioner Gongora leads Miami Beach through hard work, problem-solving, consensus-building and vision!

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  1. Michel, tiebe correptamente trazadas us inquietudes…lo que le interesa a la Ciudad, es que todo lo viene haciendo con transparencia, honestidad, dedicacion a costa de su trabajo las 24 horas del dia…siga asi, sera muy grande y reconocido en la Ciudad…..Admiro su TEZON….esto es de familia, lo cual tambien es un ejemplo….para la Ciudad….

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