Tips to avoid construction scams

Norma Portrait-fConstruction is always a frustrating endeavor, regardless of the size or difficulty of the project. Here are a few tips to ensure your sanity, safety, and to keep more money in your pockets. Hiring professionals and paying market value will always save you time, money, and keep your blood pressure at bay when involved in a construction project.

Always ask for the personal identification and a current copy of the business license and make sure they are current and that they match. Photocopy for your records.

Always use a contract documenting all details such as: deadline dates, early termination clauses, change order descriptions and costs, job duties, job description, as well as penalties.

Always adhere to local and state codes and necessary permits, as these are in place for your protection.

Always hire an onsite project manager, which will save you time and money in the long run, while avoiding costly mistakes.

NEVER hire unlicensed crews to avoid paying market value, because at the end of the project, your budget cost will always be higher.

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