Final approved millage for Palmetto Bay only 2.447

Michael Miller

By Michael Miller….

Michael Miller

Even better than we thought… It sounds a bit like one of those catchy numbers from an old Danny Kaye movie, but the millage in the village is on everyone’s mind these days. Well, the good news, as told to us by PB’s own PIO guy, Bill Kress, is that the millage rate of 2.544 that our paper reported in a recent article on the new budget was only the proposed rate as listed in earlier budget documents and not the “final final rate” that was approved by vote of the council. The actual millage rate is only 2.447, which should make your tax bill slightly lower than the earlier millage rate would suggest. Hey, every little bit helps. We apologize for any confusion and are happy to run this correction. Thanks, Bill.

State of the Village… Mayor Eugene. P. Flinn, Jr., has invited us, and you, to attend the 2010 State of the Village Address. It’s Palmetto Bay’s largest formal event of the year and at least 500 usually attend. The Mayor will review the accomplishments of the previous fiscal year, and outline the Village’s future plans and objectives, and there’ll be a historical retrospective video of the Village’s first eight years. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., since this is Mayor Flinn’s last and very special State of the Village Address. Look for an invitation in the mail by mid-October.

We’re fairly sure that Amendment 4 will pass November 2. The constitutional amendment will give referendum power for voters to reject land use changes that city or county “fathers” approve. It’s mostly a result of so much negativity associated with developers and government officials due to suspected tradeoffs on everything from pats on the back and lobbyist futures to cash-filled briefcases.

The effectiveness of Amendment 4 may eventually come down to court cases that will determine defining the wordage, as applied in every one of our 67 Florida counties, setting a precedent for how voting can proceed in all cases. If this seems like a tempest in a teapot to some (or many), remember that it was the urgency to overdevelop that led Florida voters to put Amendment 4 on the ballot in the first place.

Buzz out of a Kendall Commissioner’s office is that whoever replaces Comish Katy Sorenson in District 8 (Palmetto Bay’s Eugene Flinn or Homestead’s Lynda Bell) is a good bet to become the “Aye” vote to turn a 7-6 anti-repeal of the $5 parks parking fee to a 7-6 vote to do away with it. Katy and Chairman Dennis Moss became a minority of our “Kendall Comish” voting bloc agin’ Javier Souto’s repeal, with Joe Martinez and Carlos Gimenez giving him a 3-2 backing.

If you didn’t catch the dating, automotive exec’ Norman Braman’s drive to oust Mayor (and ex-Kendall cop) Carlos Alvarez from his county post began officially on October 6 with verification of petitions you’ll be asked to sign at a Publix, one of these days. To reach recall, some 52,000 signatures are needed from among 1.2 million Miami-Dade voters, but it won’t be easy with new restrictions on recall procedures. Deadline for submission: 4 p.m. on December 5 (a Sunday) so have a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah, in advance!

Businesses (and others) with websites take note: Tiffany Trias tells us that customers respond well to mobile ads but they previously could only be purchased from the 30,000 or so mobile enabled websites, miniature versions of full websites rescaled to be viewed on a smartphone. But what about the other 240 million websites? Advertisers couldn’t buy ads from them. Now they can, thanks to Romeo Mendoza and something called “Adzookie.”

For more info visit their website:

Thought for the Day:

Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.

– Albert Einstein

Gary Alan Ruse and Richard Yager contributed to this column.

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