Beware of where you go to get a Stem Cell Transplant!

Beware of where you go to get a Stem Cell Transplant!

Recently, the New York Times published an article about three women that apparently had lost their vision after receiving a Stem Cell transplant in a clinic operating in the United States. A faithful reader of my weekly newspaper column, wrote to me about this concerning issue (Vivien R) and asked for my opinion on the matter, since she had also seen a TV newscast that discussed this rather unfortunate situation. There are several important key aspects pertaining to this issue that I would like to share with you and particularly with Vivien, many of which were not clearly addressed in the NY Times article.

The newspaper article stated that an ophthalmologist from the prestigious Bascom Palmer Institute, testified that (after examining the patient’s retinas) they appeared to all reflect an “excessive cell growth”, and thus, he stated that (in his medical opinion) this “abnormal growth” was the probable cause for these patients to have unfortunately lost their eyesight.

In the almost 3500 cases that I have conducted on knees, hips, shoulders and spine in the last 14 years, I have never found an “excessive cell growth” in any of my patients. My medical philosophy and the FDA’s recommendation of using “minimal manipulation” would not produce such abnormal cell growth, since the patient’s own body would automatically control for that sort of abnormality not to happen.

However, only when cells are being cultivated, is when you could have the possibility of such unstoppable / abnormal cell growth occurring. Unfortunately, we can only speculate at this point about what truly transpired in these cases, since the article did not provide sufficient information about the level of manipulation used on any of these procedures and/or if these stem cells were actually cultivated or not, in the three particular procedures mentioned. The NY Times article also stated that the injection / procedure had been conducted by a “Nurse Practitioner” and not by a medical doctor certified to practice medicine in the United States.

With more than 30 years of experience as a doctor, in addition to possessing a Master’s degree and two medical specialties, I am considered as one of the true pioneers that spearheaded using stem cells, as a valid alternative to cure pain. Note that in our StemCell Miami institute, 100 percent of the stem cell transplants are solely performed by me personally, although I am very fortunate to also possess a top-notch medical team by my side, which assists me with each procedure.

Up to date, we have performed countless successful procedures without having one single negative effect in any of our patients. I think I can recall possibly only a handful (or less) of my patients that did not improve (significantly) after their procedures, in comparison to the thousands of patients that are extremely happy with their results and the tremendous improvements in their overall quality of life. I am personally very conservative as a medical professional and would rather not experiment, even if I am only slightly unsure of the outcome that we would obtain. Furthermore, the safety of our patents is always our number one priority and is of utmost importance with every procedure that we conduct at our StemCell Miami Institute.

While other institutions throughout the world, do perform riskier procedures (that include using animal cells, as well as placenta and embryonic derived cells etc.), we would like to strongly reiterate that at our institute, we only perform procedures using the patient’s own (autologous) adult stem cells.

So in conclusion, the moral of this story is that you must be very careful about where you go and who performs a stem cell transplant procedure on you or your loved ones. Please don’t believe everything you see or hear! I highly recommend for you to also conduct a thorough investigation / research and examine the credentials of the doctor & clinic where you are getting these treatments done, before you decide to move forward with them…so please, I urge you investigate first!

So if you, a family member, or friend needs to be evaluated to find out if Stem cell treatments are a viable option, please call us at 305-598-7777. Remember that by mentioning this article the first consultation is free. If you want to contact the doctor directly, please do so via email: or for more information visit our website: or follow us on our Facebook Page & Twitter @StemCellMia or you can also watch our amazing testimonial videos on our YouTube channel.

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