Parkners were out in full force at Virginia Key Beach Park for the 5K Parkfest on Oct. 3.
It was a day of good family fun with all kinds of activities for the children, music for all, bounce house, climbing wall, basketball, Zumba, yoga, warmups before the race, food trucks, drinks, and more.
A perfect day with low humidity, for a change, with a breeze coming off the water made for great weather. Best of all, lots of charities made money from the Park Project event orchestrated by Marly Q with her new husband, Bert Casanova, who is a talented musician, aided by dozens of incredible volunteer Parkners.
Bert managed to work the event while playing his sax with the live band on stage on and off during the day — not an easy task. This is one amazing couple who provide an inspiration for all.
Among the many teams racing that day was a team of 20 from Coral Gables Hospital. Half their registration fees were directed to the Coral Gables Woman’s Club’s Children’s (Free) Dental Clinic, one of many non profits benefitting from the race.
Of course, Rotarians are everywhere and Coral Gables Rotarians raced that day as well including president Greg Martini and his family, past presidents Yolanda Woodbridge and Don Trombly, as well as president-elect Steven Spann.

Speaking of Rotary — on Sept. 26, the Brickell Rotary Club came out in force to help clean Touch Miami with Love’s site in Overtown. This is one of many community service projects that this club and some many other Rotary Clubs do every month to make a positive impact on our community. Among those Rotarians volunteering for this last effort on the 26th were Antonio Pinheiro, Carol Ann Siegel, Larry Siegel, Michelle Kates, Thierry Derane, Robert Rossitto, Victoria Zanini, Viviana Alvarez, Winston Lipert and Heather E. Waldron.
Brickell Club’s community service chair, Patricia Millan, could not attend the cleanup day but did coordinate the details for this wonderful outreach effort.
In other community outreach news, Pierini Esthetic Surgery, in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, is taking action to help those women in need, collecting new and gently used bras at both of their South Florida locations: A Solution For Beauty (Broward location, 7777 N. University Dr., #201, Tamarac) and Pierini Esthetic Surgery (8353 NW36 St., Doral).
Since many of the victims of domestic violence leave home with little more than what they are wearing, all the new or gently used bras donated will be delivered to local domestic violence shelters. As a thank you for those dropping off items, Pierini is offering a 15 percent discount on any of their services. Sounds like an opportunity to get a refresher for the holidays.
Pre-Halloween fun is a promise at the Coral Gables Woman’s Club annual Halloween Party. Dancing, costume contests, food, DJ Johnnie, cash bar and guaranteed good time on Saturday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m., 1006 E. Ponce de Leon Blvd. in Coral Gables. The event benefits the club’s free children’s dental clinic that provides more than $220,000 in free dental care annually to children who fall between the cracks in our healthcare system. This is a 21 and over event. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. To RSVP send email to iristorres@bellsouth.net or call 305-284-7379.
Finally, local seniors may want to check out the big Senior Lifestyle & Healthcare Expo on Oct. 19 at Magic City Casino, 450 NW 37 Ave. There is free admission and parking, free health screenings, and complimentary Einstein Bros. bagels. Look for me at Miami Community Newspapers table with our latest issue of Inspire Health magazine and take a photo op at our table. You may find yourself in the paper. Subscribe to our e-newsletter for a chance to win prizes.
Until next time, keep making each day count.
If you want to submit information for this column, please send your news via email to gloriagalburns@aol.com.