Mayor and Members of the Commission:

Why is it that with such a hot button issue you totally ignored the people who put you in office when he came down to design suggestions for the pool?

Last week you called a special meeting to discuss design with the construction company who surprisingly didn’t even know there was a 50,000.00 annual limit to maintenance costs. Isn’t transapency in government one of your prides and joys that got you in office? Why was a public workshop with the company, along with public input the avenue taken eafter all, isn’t this a community pool? It is apparent that you don’t want our input just our money to pay for it.

There is no question to most, now, how Mayor Stoddard “works” no wonder this was done via special meeting. Special meetings have no public comments, unless of course the commission agrees to allow residents to talk. There were residents at this special meeting and not one commissioner opened it up to public remarks.

How sad it is that people can run on a platorm of open government and once they slither into office, they forget their promises. Guess what people, we don’t forget as a matter of fact, people are downright angry with all four of you. Shame on you Liebman, Stoddard, Harris, and Welsh, two of which, Harris, and Welch claim to be political activists prior to being elected, but not Liebman or Stoddard, who were never on a board prior to being elected (although the mayor claims he was a member of that sorry excuse for a homeowner’s association)Now that you slam dunked the pool and lied to the taxpayers who will fund this albatross (thanks Liebman) you don’t even want our say?

Shame on the members of the Green Task Force for not standing up for all the wasted water with (three) swimmning “things,” The green task force members are a bunch of hypocrites who didn’t step up to the plate during the budget process, nor during this issue of all the wasted water splashing out all over. By the way, wasn’ t this pool about teaching kids to learn how to swim?

Mayor Stoddard needs to go back to dissecting fish and frogs, Liebman needs to go back to sell running shoes at Footworks, Welsh needs to get a job as a salesman at Home Depot, and Walter needs to become an organic brain surgeon.

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