Mayor Stoddard gets his way, again

Yup, Mayor Phil Stoddard, the master at public relations has once again, got his way when he lead the city commission to the Promised Land and perhaps into the Green Hall of Fame. Brilliant move!

As he is the resident scientist, biologist and professor, espoused his wisdom, that if the county was given Carte Blanche to spray mosquito poison throughout the city, not only would the bad mosquitoes and other bugs meet their demise, but a certain type of butterfly might bite the bullet, as well.

Mosquitos-AttackThen he threw a fast ball combined with a bit of science and pointed out that a very special type of bat lives in the city and that perhaps the little guy would either starve to death because his meals would be dead and gone or that perhaps the bat might chow down on some poisoned food.

Then the commission goes along with the Green attitude and abracadabra and now it looks like the city just might be able to negotiate with the county to get some different type of spray to do its dirty work on the bad boy mosquitoes.

So, besides getting some press on the big spray, he recently managed to get some ink in the Miami Herald a couple of times and one of those times, he struck back at former mayor Horace Feliu’s “letter to the editor” about the mayor’s ( and the city’s ) position about FPL.

Nice saber rattling on both sides.

The mayor also made it onto at least one politically based blog about FPL and it looks like he made it on NPR about rising tides and its effect on Real Estate.

Stoddard was also quoted, according to The Guardian, saying Senator “Rubio is an idiot”, when Rubio wouldn’t make a stand about rising sea levels. It seems as though, since he (Rubio) wasn’t a scientist he wouldn’t comment about it. Wonder how Stoddard feels about taking a swipe at the South Florida’s Sacred Cow and presidential hopeful.

My goodness is there an election coming up soon and is there a higher office in his future?

And speaking of getting “high,” when is the city going to put on their thinking caps and come up with the locations where medical marijuana may be sold, just in case, the voters say YES to amendment #2, come November 6th.

I hear that another well-known restaurant on Sunset Drive is going to call it quits very soon. Can’t say which one it is as I have been sworn to secrecy. But rest assured it’ll surprise you.

Bill Bruno, the hair stylist, who has been taking care of lots of locals for more than 25 years has moved on over to Pecan’s Day Spa and Salon.Bill, a long time friend, is pretty happy to join Don, who is a message therapist and his wife, Pecan,who is a facialist at their location which was almost next door. Bill and his new family can be reached at 305-984- 7855, or just stop on by 7800 Red Road Road, Suite 120. My wife, Susan and I wish him lots of good luck and happiness.

Animal advocates blasted county commissioners for not implementing the Pet’s Trust that voters approved unanimously. It only resulted in increased funding and in “100,000” cats getting neutered and the money was responsibly spent said animal advocates to commissioners at a recent County Commis sion Meeting of the Whole. However, animal advocates wanted more funding and the issue has to be balanced with other ones like fire rescue and police, funding for Jackson health Hospital and library services all facing cutbacks in the Mayor Carlos Gimenez’ proposed budget that was mitigated when it came to certain cuts to the library district.

With the clock ticking until the September public budget hearing at county hall, Mayor Carlos Gimenez (Net worth $1.024 million) is facing blow back not only from library supporters but also the police unions where some 450 police officers may receive pink slips. Law enforcement officials are claiming crime will spike at an alarming rate with the reduction of police in the community but county commissioner are holding firm and have no appetite for raising taxes at this moment.

When it comes to the new Miami Science Museum being constructed in Museum Park and its management contractor being dismissed recently, no one was talking at Miami-Dade County about the new wrinkle in the project. It got a $275 million slug of public GOP money from the county and the Watchdog Report asked County Mayor Carlos Gimenez and Cultural Affairs Director Michael Spring, both said they were aware of some issues, but “no more money” was coming from the county they both suggested. Further, Spring said last week that the museum was working through the issues and said the reason no further details have become public is because there “will likely be lawsuits,” in the future. Since the county has a $200 million budget hole to plug when it comes to finding spare money as in many past years, “there is no more magic,” in the county’s budget since some $4 billion has been cut out of the county budget since around 2008, said one long time experienced budget expert at the county. And the reason the Watchdog Report is so interested in what is going on over at the Frost Museum of Science is because there is now no more money and while the museum has raised some $80 million on its own, it is unknown if the organization can fill in any fiscal gap for the final construction. And here is the museum’s website that talks about a new management company being selected and Spring told the Watchdog Report that the “project will not become a PACT II,” he assured me. He said last week the “Miami Science Museum is just getting re-organized and they have not asked for any money,” said Spring, the County’s Cultural Affairs Director.

Editor’s Note: The Museum recently received two major donations. Patricia and Phillip Frost that the museums are named after announced two gifts one for $7.5 million from the Batchelor Foundation and a second $2.5 million gift bringing the total fundraising commitments to a total of $135 million in private fundraising including $86 million in commitments says and the Watchdog Report for one thanks these benefactors for these contributions to this important cultural institution that had all the earmarks of needing significantly more public financing. The last three items were provided by the

Tought of the Day: Perseverance is the secret of all triumphs. — Victor Hugo

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