SIB Learning Annex Update

SIB Learning Annex Update

SIB Learning Annex UpdateSunny Isles Beach is well on its way to transforming education for adult learners in our city. Earlier this month we hosted our first Lunch and Learn in partnership with Florida International University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). Dr. Kurt Stone, one of FIU’s most popular instructors, took participants on an insider’s probe of the week’s stories. Dr. Stone is a best-selling author, lecturer, political operative and “world-class news junky”. The “students” were captivated and their thirst for more could not be quenched. With a resounding show of hands, Dr. Stone was requested to return for future sessions.

Now as college students return to class, Sunny Isles Beach and OLLI are bringing the classes to you. Next up, we will host Café Cinematheque with another renowned FIU professor, Shelly Isaacs. Starting November 10, Professor Isaacs will present a series of 6 lectures starting with “The Greatest Show On Screen – A Classic Primer” then come and re-discover 5 of what critics and film historians have considered among the finest films ever made.

First you will view the movie on the big screen and then participate in a discussion concerning its significance. This series of 6 lectures is significantly reduced for Sunny Isles Beach residents who present their Resident ID card at time of registration for only $60 for the 6-part series. OLLI members will be offered the discounted rate of $100 for the series. All others will pay $130.

SIB Learning Annex UpdateAs a bonus, Tony Roma’s, our restaurant neighbor next door, is offering a free Onion Loaf to all who attend the first session of Café Cinematheque so you can continue your discussion with your peers after class! Then, in January we welcome back Dr. Kurt Stone for another free Lunch and Learn followed by a 4 week series on Politics with Dr. Kurt Stone. For more information on these programs, please turn to page 8.

City Commission Supports Education for All. Recognizing the needs of our growing community, the City Commission is working on plans to expand the Government Center to include more educational space for residents of all ages. At the October Commission meeting, the plan for the government center expansion was presented and discussed. This preliminary plan includes space for our middle school to grow to relieve the overcrowding at the Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach K-8. Equally as important, there is dedicated theater/performance space as well as a senior/civic center for the furtherance of our adult education programs. Although there are many details to work out in both areas, the overwhelming response we received to the first Lunch and Learn has confirmed that we are headed in the right direction to plan for our adult population that is eager to learn more. Join me at this series and let’s learn together what our future holds.

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