Wandering & Pondering-Reborn

Wandering & PonderingDonna was an alcoholic who refused to acknowledge it. Finally some of her friends forced her to join AA. She went a few times and finally admitted that she was an alcoholic. Once she admitted it, it was easy to face what she should do to try to recover. She knew if she ever tasted alcohol she would relapse and the result would become irrational. She told anyone she could, that she was completly off the juice; she was reborn.

Howie was a fatty. He didn’t admit that he was fat, very fat. He considered himself as someone on the larger side. The ones that didn’t agree he tried to avoid pretty much. He was directed by some friends to a meeting of “overeaters anonymous.” After a few meetings, he finally admitted that he was a fatty and even taking a sweet chocolate he would gobble many more than just one. He was compulsive and one would never suffice for him. Once he admitted this, the rest was sort of easy. He cut out sweets and within a few months he was slim and as he put it “reborn.”

Somehow these two “reborn” souls met each other, and found that they liked each other like kindred spirits. They did have some problems. Howie never drank so it was impossible for Donna to rant about a drinking problem. Donna was very slender and never ate too much food that wasn’t healthy. One couldn’t talk about over eating and the other was silent on anything alcoholic. Neither one could lecture the other about their former habits, this led to some silent evenings. Howie decided to see what Donna had gone through when she drank too much. Spent an evening at his home alone and trying to see if he could get drunk. Donna at the same time decided to see what Howie went through with overeating, so that she could understand what he had gone through.

As a result “true love ran smoothly.” Now they have lots to talk about. Howie has become a thin semi-alcoholic. Donna is a chubby non-drinker. As a result they can spend all their time lecturing each other on the evils of two subjects that they can relate to. This relationship just has to last.

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