[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n April 11, 2015, the City of Doral will host the American Cancer Society Relay for Life 2015 at JC Bermudez Park from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM. This year, our Honorary Chair is Miami Dade County Commissioner, Jose Pepe Diaz and our City of Doral Champion is Councilwoman Christi Fraga.
Every day, the volunteers and staff hear from someone that they or one of their family members or friends have been diagnosed with some form of cancer. The American Cancer Society does not focus on just one form of cancer. They focus on all cancers. If you, a family member or friend have been diagnosed with cancer then you know of all of its terrible effects on individuals emotionally, physically and financially.
The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2015, there will be 1,658,370 new patients diagnosed with cancer of some sort. Did you know that one in three women will be affected with cancer in their lifetime? And one in two men will be affected? Thankfully due to all the funds that are raised death rates have declined for cancer patients.
Our theme is Carnival for a Cure! We will host field day games throughout as parents join their kids in this unprecedented event for the City of Doral and its residents. Every Fundraising team will offer Carnival Midway type games to raise funds the day of the event.
How you can help:
Team recruitment and fundraising
Challenge your coworkers, neighbors, family members and clients to join in the fun and create fundraising teams and ask our employer to match donations.
We all face obstacles in our daily lives. Can you imagine what survivors go through? What can you give them to make their lives, even if just a moment, better?
Dedicate a Luminaire
Honor your loved ones that have past. During a powerful, thought provoking memorial during your Doral Relay for Life Event. We never forget those who have lost their battles.
Partner with the leading authority and organization helping make a difference in the lives of Cancer victims and their families every day. We offer a multitude of co-brand opportunities available.
Cancer touches so many people in our community and ACS Doral Relay for Life 2015 is a great way to help fight this terrible disease. Please seriously consider this request and let your neighbors, customers, and community know that you are joining them in the fight. If you would like more information about Relay for Life, and any of the programs it supports, please feel free to call Dalizbel Batista-Batchelor at 786- 290-2419 or via email at Dalizbel.Batista- Batchelor@cancer.org or myself, your Lead Event Volunteer, Jackeline Alers-Duany, alersj@comcast.net or 305-972-6636. To sign up your team and start fundraising or dedicate a luminaria please visit: www.relayforlife.org/DoralFL
As residents of Doral we have seen it grow immensely. Everyone has a cause that is important to them and we need the business and residential community to unite and participate in this year’s ACS Doral Relay for Life 2015.
To quote Edward Everett Hale “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” Doral…we need all of you!