Get Cookie Thin™ with Smart for Life® at new, convenient Aventura location

Gina Savage, co-owner, Smart for Life Aventura

By Lynn Carroll….

Gina Savage, co-owner, Smart for Life Aventura

Smart for Life®, creators of the famous Cookie Diet™, have opened a new and expanded location in Aventura Plaza. Conveniently located between Publix and CVS, Smart for Life offers customers the opportunity to shed those extra pounds that were added over time or from the over enjoyment of holiday cuisine.

Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays, Smart for Life is a medical weight-management program that in Aventura is under the direction of Dr. Richard E. Kowalsky, MD. Additionally, Smart for Life also offers HCG for people who want to shift their weight loss into high gear with the potential of losing up to a pound a day.

“We offer free Body-Mass Index (BMI) analysis and are happy to let anyone who stops in to taste our delicious products,” says co-owner Gina Savage. “You don’t have to give up taste to lose weight. Our products include the underWAY™ water beverage and natural appetite suppressant that Dancing with the Stars’ Brook Burke is the ambassador, as well as zero-calorie salad dressings and other condiments,” she says.

Popularly known as Dr. Sass, Smart for Life was founded by Dr. Sasson Moulavi, MD, a board certified Bariatric Medicine specialist who specializes in weight-loss programs, Savage says that they are committed to bringing to the market effective, delicious food options at an affordable price. Featured products are mostly organic ingredients and are free of preservatives, pesticides and toxins.

Smart for Life’s new location, Savage says, is a minisupermarket for the health-conscious, a place where anyone who is watching their weight can buy all the products they need on the spot or shipped to their home.

Owners Gina Savage and Elvis Jimenez say a grand opening is in the works, and in the near future, expect to offer their customers a full-service juice bar serving protein shakes and other refreshments.

Smart for Life, now located at 2980 Aventura Boulevard in Aventura. For more information, call 305-935-5550 or visit

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