Right before Easter vacation students at St. Brendan High got schooled on numerous career opportunities in the community.
The school hosted 61 professionals from the fields of medicine, law, government, journalism, engineering, business, education, entrepreneurs, etc. The speakers, many of them St. Brendan alumni, spoke to students in grades 9-12.
Each speaker was assigned to a class, so that students could get a variety of presentations while following their schedule. Speakers, such as Alexander Alvarez (class of 1981) brought some souvenirs from his office. Journalist James Varsallone enticed students with some sweet treats while allowing them to experience firsthand how to do interviews. Artist Cesar Santalo brought some of his artwork to show the students.
“Career Day gives our students a look into the real world of employment responsibility. Helping them realize the demands and rewards of various career paths is extremely practical,” said Steve Piscitelli, Law and Global Business Academy director and alumni liaison.

“It was such an honor to be part of career day. It brought back so many great memories from my years there,” said Marybel Rodriguez (1991), news anchor at CBS 4. “If I was able to make a difference in the career choice of at least one student that means everything to me.”
Jose Felix Diaz (1998), District 116 state representative, was a quiet and uninvolved student until he went on a school trip to Europe during his sophomore year. He returned with an appreciation for the school, faculty and students at St. Brendan. He became very involved in student government, became president of the executive board his senior year and was nominated “Best All Around” superlative.
“I tell every student I speak with that St. Brendan High changed my life,” Diaz said. “I would not be who I am today were it not but for my alma mater. I want to let the students know that one school can indeed make a gigantic difference in your life.”
Most students think Career Day is a day off from doing school work, but speaker Mari Blanco (1992) added that “the students were receptive, respectful and actively participated in the presentation.”
Senior Katherine Rojas said, “I was able to connect with professionals in my field of interest, journalism, and even got to experience the industry firsthand.”
Jose Rodelgo-Bueno, principal, added, “Career Day is a great opportunity for our students to discern their career paths and explore ways on how to best serve the Lord.”