Is Mold Making You Sick?



Don’t Ignore Water Leaks and Tell-Tale Signs of Water Damage

Chronically wet or damp surfaces usually caused by leaking roofs, water collecting in air conditioning systems and vents, or breakage in plumbing systems and pipes, create the ideal environment for mold to take hold and grow.  Mold is a living organism and under the right conditions will multiply very rapidly, spewing microscopic spores into the air.  This can cause allergic reactions, ranging from the discomforts of sneezing, coughing, and headaches, to more severe effects on those who suffer from asthma and similar respiratory illnesses.  Some molds produce harmful mycotoxins that can cause serious disease.  Molds can adversely affect your health, and the cause of the mold in your home or place of business should be promptly attended to and corrected!

In addition to the health problems that mold can cause, even minor water leaks that are left unattended will become more severe and will usually result in more costly repairs.  When you notice a collection of moisture or spots on ceiling or walls that might be caused by water, repairing the leak as soon as possible is critical.  Leaking water and the physical damage and mold it causes doesn’t repair itself!

The first step is to have a thorough inspection of the problem conducted by a qualified company.  There are companies that will perform this service at no charge.  For example, 411 Home Pros, will perform a free home safety inspection, advising you of leaks or the presence of mold, and even provide free provisional repair services to contain any leaks.  They can detect the presence of any water intrusion or moisture using state-of-the-art thermal imaging technology and moisture meters.

Property owners should review the coverage and limitations included in their insurance policies, and discuss as needed with an insurance professional.   While many property insurance policies are similar, there are always critical differences relating to exclusions, conditions and limitations.

Additionally, and again at no charge, 411 Home Pros will have your insurance policy reviewed by experienced insurance attorneys or licensed public adjusters to make sure that you have sufficient coverage under all common circumstances, and as a valuable assist in filing any claims.  Many homeowners are not aware that their insurance policies will cover water damage and mold remediation, or if their insurance is lacking proper coverage until disaster strikes and it is too late to update the policy and file a claim!

More information about no-cost services for leak and mold detection, and insurance coverage evaluation is available at, or by calling 1-844-344-PROS.

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