St. Sophia Presents: Christmas Under The Stars- A Night At The Coral Gables Museum


st.sophiaSaint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral proudly presents its upcoming community Christmas Dinner: Christmas Under the Stars- a Night at the Coral Gables Museum, to be held on Sunday, December 6th from 6-10 PM.

The dinner will be held in the loggia and courtyard of the Coral Gables Museum, accompanied by live music from a band and children carolers.  Catering will be provided by a variety of generous drink and food sponsors, including options from Ergon Greek Deli & Cuisine, Russian Standard, and Wynwood Brewing Company.

St. Sophia is very involved in the community through volunteering at homeless shelters and providing food and clothing throughout the various seasons.

After purchasing a ticket, attendees will be receiving a delicious, locally-provided dinner and open bar, as well as dancing and music in a Christmas-inspired, holiday environment.  As both a festive and charitable venture of the cathedral, St. Sophia is hosting the dinner to raise funds to continue to increase their community outreach initiatives.

Following the dinner is the silent auction, which features items from several statewide and local hotspots. Sponsors include a ski home in Colorado, Mandarin Oriental, Biltmore Hotel, Adrienne Arsht Center, national and local artists, alongside many others. One of our top items is a one week in a beautiful Colorado ski resort home, a must attain vacation for any of our community members.

Co-chairs Helen Gonzalez-Braswell and Dorothea Lantz are excited to talk about the cathedral and the importance of the event.

“St. Sophia is very involved in the local community and we are continually wanting to increase our community outreach. Christmas Under the Stars is completely open to the public. We are excited to bring a joyous and festive dinner to the local community. Our incredible food and beverage sponsors (Ergon Greek Deli & Cuisine, Russian Standard, and Wynwood Brewing Company) are making this possible.”- Helen Gonzalez-Braswell

The Cathedral has made great strides to keep its place as one of the integral parts of South Florida’s community, especially through Christmas Under the Stars, where the focus is on the attendees and their ability to continue the traditions of their faith.

“St. Sophia has been an integral part of our South Florida community for over 70 years. Throughout that time, we have worked tirelessly to provide various types of aid to those who are most in need. Christmas Under the Stars…a night at the Coral Gables Museum has given us the opportunity to express our gratitude for the support we have received throughout the years. Individuals, corporations and restaurants from throughout the globe have come forward to sponsor what is sure to be a GLORIOUS evening filled with art, music, food and unsurpassed joy! I view our upcoming event as an opportunity to engage all South Floridians, regardless of faith, and celebrate holiday season!” – Dorothea Lantz

The local Dean, Father Spiro D. Bobotas, also speaks highly of the event, as it stands to portray the stance of the Cathedral as a whole:

“Christmas under the Stars is the perfect opportunity to gather as a community and to welcome the advent season with the faith, hope and love which we find in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” – Father Spiro D. Bobotas, Dean of the Saint Sophia Cathedral

He speaks about the event and its part in community acts during the festive holiday season, where he supports the efforts of the church to aid their local community.

“As a community this is an opportunity to welcome this sacred festive season and to concentrate on what is truly important, the love of our brothers and sisters. Christ’s commanded, to love your neighbor as yourself,  as the Dean of the Cathedral it is  my prayer that this event reminds us of this commandment and of the importance of this holiday, allowing us to take the spirit of Christmas with us to the community at large throughout the year.”

To the members of the Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, and any curious members of the South Florida community, please buy your tickets today for Christmas Under the Stars, held on Sunday, December 6th.

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

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