Who says old-fashioned values no longer have a place in today’s business world? Certainly not Bragi Sigurdsson and Linda Schechter. Linda’s father was a Miami Beach hotelier who believed business is best conducted with a handshake, and Bragi’s family in Iceland raised him with the same values. As owners of Miami Beach’s premier boutique real estate brokerage, Bragi & Linda provide service that evokes a bygone era and is deeply appreciated by their elite clientele.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to have a broker that takes all the risk, does all the work, pays for all the marketing but does not tie you down with a signed agreement? We are that broker. We will take all the risk, do all the work and pay for all the marketing on your property. We do not require a signed listing agreement. We do business on a Handshake.
We will exclusively list and market your property with only a “handshake” agreement.
You have the right to cancel our services anytime for whatever reason you see fit.
No fees of any kind will be charged to you other than the agreed upon commission.
Your property will be featured alone in full page color ads in numerous national and international magazines, newspapers, web pages as well as targeted e-mail and a direct mail campaign to thousands of prospective buyers.
We only list “exclusive” properties, to insure our brand stays stellar and your property stands out.
We treat our clients as we would our friends; our goal is to create raving fans!
Our agreement is simple; if you are not happy with our performance you can terminate our services effective immediately, with no financial penalty.
Call us today to experience what it’s like to do business with a handshake once again.