Episcopal Migration Ministries assists refugees

The Episcopal Church has served immigrants new to the U.S. since the late 1800s, when the Church opened port chaplaincies to minister to sojourners on both coasts. The Church has been a vocal advocate on behalf of refugees since World War II, when Episcopal Parishes and dioceses spoke out on behalf of Jewish refugees and episcopal logoothers displaced by Nazi aggression. Out of this effort, the Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief was born, the forerunner organization to Episcopal Relief and Development and Episcopal Migration Ministries.

The Church has formally assisted refugees through the U. S. Resettlement Program since the passage of the Refugee Act in 1980. Since 1988, EMM and its network of affiliate partners have aided and welcomed more than 50,000 refugees in partnership with dioceses, churches, community institutions and volunteers.

Episcopal Migration Ministries, its affiliates, and church partners provide assistance to arriving refugees as they adjust to their new  communities and begin building for the future. This hospitality responds to the scriptural mandate to welcome the stranger in our midst, and often has a transformational impact on those who are extending a hand. By bringing their culture, ambition and resiliency to our shores, these new Americans enrich our nation beyond measure.

Episcopal Migration Ministries – Miami is a local office of the refugee resettlement service of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of The Episcopal Church.  Located in Miami Springs, in the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida, under the direction of Charlande Michel, Director – 305 541 8327 Ext. 8313.  EMM provides a safe haven for refugees  resettled in the Miami area, caring for their most vital needs and providing the training and skills they require to thrive in years to come. Through partnerships and collaboration with the local community  Episcopal Migration Ministries’ Miami office has served as a model of successful resettlement  and integration.

Resettlement Services: Mayra Ortiz- 305-541-8327 Ext 8306
Episcopal Migration Ministries’ Miami office provides services for newly arriving refugees to help them put down roots in their first months in the United States. This includes temporary financial assistance, housing, employment skills and job placement, financial literature training, clothing, medical attention, education, English-language classes, and cultural & community orientation. The goal is that refugees achieve self-sufficiency as soon as possible

Employment Services: Match Grant Program Supervisor, Martha Lopez- 305-541-8327 Ext 8303
With support from the Matching Grant program of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (Department of Health and Human Services), Episcopal Migration Ministries’ Miami office offers extended employment services to clients, ensuring they will successfully secure employment to support their families and become financially self-sufficient.

Immigration Services: Lia Lujan- Immigration Specialist 305-541-8327 Ext 8316
EMM Miami comprehensive immigration services assists refugees, asylees on their path to becoming permanent residents or U.S. citizens. EMM Miami provides pro-bono or low-cost immigration services to eligible families and individuals. These services include: Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, Employment authorization, Family-based petitions, Naturalization/Citizenship, travel documents, and replacement of lost cards.

Volunteer Services: Sylvia Simioni, Volunteer Manager 305-541-8327 Ext 8301

Through a partnership established with AmeriCorps, the renowned national and community service organization, EMM Miami offers volunteer services for those interested in investing their talents and skills in the agency’s mission to help refugees become self-sufficient.  Opportunities to serve include preparing refugees for job interviews, providing English classes assistance, giving financial education workshops, and becoming our clients’ “first American friend” and making them feel part of the South Florida community.

Episcopal Migration Ministries  located at 700 S Royal Poinciana Blvd. Suite 803 Miami Springs, FL 33166. Phone Number 305-541-8327.


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