DeliverLean is a fresh gourmet meal delivery service that specializes in servicing a wide variety of dietary requirements. With 5 meal plans to choose from, including Traditional, Paleo/Low-Cal, Organic Protein, Gluten Free or Vegetarian, all meals come complete with freshly prepared food ranging from 300-400 calories per meal. Their menus are designed to ensure that customers always receive the ideal balance of lean protein, complex carbs, healthy fats and fresh fruits and vegetables. With unparalleled variety and flexibility, customers can choose from 3, 4 or 5 meals per day; 5, 6 or 7 days per week.
Gourmet chefs prepare the meals fresh daily using only the highest quality premium local ingredients and then the food is delivered straight to customers’ homes.
The company was founded by Scott Harris and Olga Kuzenkov in September 2011. The impetus: Harris’ would observe that his employees at his former businesses would typically return from lunch in a ‘food coma’ – the result of improper eating habits and a lack of moderation. Following the lead of companies like Google, Harris decided to offer his employees on-site meals, prepared by a professional chef and emphasizing taste, freshness and the right combination of proteins, grains, carbohydrates and produce.
The result: happier, healthier and more productive employees. It was then that Harris decided to partner with Kuzenkov and turned an office perk into an actual business. DeliverLean is now the fastest growing meal delivery company in South Florida built on a simple philosophy: “to eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
DeliverLean has seen triple digit growth each year since it was founded in 2011. In September 2012, Harris launched Baked by DL, a healthy, low calorie dessert line. In January 2013, Harris launched a new brand under the DeliverLean umbrella, OnJuice, an organic cold-pressed juice and cleanse line that complements both DeliverLean’s proposition of a proper diet, but also the company’s meal plans and dishes. Specifically, when meal replacement is appropriate or desired, OnJuice’s offerings work perfectly within the DeliverLean menu structure, allowing consumers to easily replace one meal with a satisfying and healthful OnJuice cold-pressed juice.
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