Candidates for Cutler Bay Vice Mayor – Javier Giraud

Candidates for Cutler Bay Vice Mayor - Javier Giraud
Candidates for Cutler Bay Vice Mayor - Javier Giraud
Javier Giraud

Javier Giraud was born in 1970 in St. Louis, MO. Giraud and his family returned to Miami in 1976, where he attended Miami-Sunset Senior High School. He went on to earn an AA degree from Miami-Dade Community College and a BS degree in Criminology.

Giraud was employed by Miami-Dade County as an aide to Commissioner Javier Souto and served as the commissioner’s liaison to Kendall and Westchester residents.

In 1995, he continued his studies and pursued a law degree from Creighton University College of Law in Omaha, NE. After graduating. he returned to work for Commissioner Souto. In 2003, Giraud began practicing law for a small boutique real estate and finance law firm.

He taught eighth grade history and government at a Title I middle school in Fort Pierce from 2007 to 2011.

Giraud is married and has two children. The Girauds returned to Miami in 2011to be closer to their extended family. He now practices law focusing on representing homeowners against their insurance companies. He has served on every homeowner’s association where he owned a home and is currently a director on the Centennial Homeowners Association for the community of Chanterelle by the Bay.

Questions for the candidate:
What prompted you to run for Council Seat 2? Why do you want to serve?
“I was prompted to run because of the impression in the town that there is quid pro quo for certain lobbyists by certain council members. Additionally, residents have expressed concerns that their voices are not being heard. I want to serve so that I can be the peoples’ voice. I have always believed in serving one’s community — be it serving as a Miami-Dade County Commission aide for several years, or teaching middle school in a Title I school for five years or serving on the board of directors of each homeowners association that I’ve lived in. I have always served my local community.”

What do you feel are the most important issues facing the Town of Cutler Bay now and in the months ahead?
“The Third District Court of Appeals recently overturned a site plan approved by the town council. That applicant hired Green Point Group as a lobbyist. Green Point Group is the company that ran Ms. Loyzelle’s campaign. When such applications are approved based on who the developer hires rather than the merits, the courts will overturn it and this case will cost the taxpayers of Cutler Bay tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.”

What brief statement would you like to make to residents as to why they should vote for you?
“I want the people of Cutler Bay to know that I am an honest hard working individual who will put their interests first. Ms. Loyzelle has been on the council for five years and has not sponsored any substantive legislation but continually supports legislation that increases development densities, burdens small businesses and homeowners, supports the Land Development Regulations allowing four story buildings along Old Cutler Road, and favors out of town vendors to local vendors.

“She has repeatedly supported waiving the town’s competitive bidding process in favor of no bid contracts to out of town vendors. I believe bid waivers should be approved in emergencies only. Had I not run, Ms. Loyzelle would have won by default. The residents of Cutler Bay deserve a choice between the same ‘business as usual’ philosophy and new fresh ideas from someone who is not beholden to any lobbyist or special interest groups.”

His website is

— Gary Alan Ruse

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