Eagles are symbolic, but there’s so much you can do with chicken

Eagles are symbolic, but there's so much you can do with chickenMarty, one of my oldest friends who considers me an influential genius based on the fact that I write a column in several well-known newspapers, had a radio talk show for many years, wrote and published a real book, and held public office in a major South Florida town also for many years.

He asked me the other day why and for what reason the eagle has become an important symbol of our country and not the lowly chicken.

He presented some very strong arguments and that got me thinking — a very dangerous thing to do!

He first asked me when was the last time anyone went out and ordered eagle wings and beer. I had no answer for that. I have never known a Jewish mother or any mother for that matter that would offer their children eagle soup as a cure for what ails them. You can see where I’m headed with this.

What is wrong with the lowly chicken? The chicken is represented by one of the highest military officials in the world of poultry, Col. Harlan Sanders. Who else in the world of poultry holds such a title even though there is a rumor of him having actually shot a person over a sign near one of his locations?

When is the last time you ordered eagle salad at a restaurant or delicatessen? Try it and see what kind of reaction you get from the server. Did you ever notice that when someone seems afraid of undertaking a new task or perhaps challenging someone to a duel or fight, if they refuse, they are called “chicken” not eagle? When is the last time you heard anyone called an eagle?

Have you ever seen a restaurant called Aghila Tropical? Me neither! How about Atitas de Aguila?

Is someone who is new at a job or career called a spring eagle? I doubt it. Try ordering Southern fried eagles some time and see the looks that you get from the server.

Now don’t get me wrong — I have seen many majestic eagles in my time and have no real desire to eat one. Al Kapparot is a customary Jewish atonement ritual practiced by some Jews on the eve of Yom Kippur. This is a practice in which a person waives the chicken around his or her head.

The Mishnah Berurah only supports the use of money (i.e. not chicken) if there might be a problem with the slaughter due to haste or fatigue. I have seen quite a few cute chicks (chickens) around that I think deserve a chance at life. Have you ever seen those documentaries showing how most chickens are raised and slaughtered?

I’ll take the cash if given a choice!

BTW I have a hard time picturing Ivanka Trump spinning a live chicken over her head to celebrate a holiday. Of course she recently married a religious Jew named Jared Kushner so if anyone gets a picture of this please send it to me.

Happy holidays to all of those celebrating this time of year.

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