“I never thought I would be in the alternative health business,” she said.
Rodriguez and her husband had been printers for 25 years, but 10 years ago their daughter became ill. The doctor prescribed a dozen different medicines for what turned out to be an allergy. She ended up with ulcers and a deathly fear of medicine of any kind. “I had to do something; the kid wouldn’t take an aspirin,” Rodriguez said. “I opened my first book of herbs and my life changed. It’s been an obsession ever since then.”
Her specialty store offers a complete line of teas and all natural products to improve and maintain your health, and custom teas for acid reflux, stress, high cholesterol, sugar levels, insomnia, weight loss and just about anything that ails you. The shelves are stocked with a wide variety of herbs, (over 200 on the premises), and the heavenly scent of essential oils makes you want to stay all day.
“One thing just led to another, a neighbor with a skin problem, my husband’s migraines and the herbs just worked better than the stuff in the medicine cabinet,” Rodriguez said.
Tea ’n Sanity, located at 12011B SW 131 Ave., has become a community natural health center and now they offer monthly events — yoga, tai chi, qi gong, reiki, meditation as well as informational classes on plant essential oils and medicinal herbs. Hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For more information, call 786-462- 4341 or visit online at < www.tea-nsanity.com >.