Town hosts Complete Streets Public Involvement Meeting

Town hosts Complete Streets Public Involvement Meeting
Town hosts Complete Streets Public Involvement Meeting
Speakers address meeting attendees.

The Town of Cutler Bay conducted its second Complete Streets Public Involvement Meeting, in collaboration with Concerned Citizens of Cutler Bay, on Feb. 7 at the Cornerstone United Methodist Church.

Steve Zarzecki, president of Concerned Citizens, welcomed residents and introduced the town’s new Policing Unit Major Leonard Ricelli.

Public Works director Alfredo Quintero then introduced Edward Ng from The Corradino Group, who gave a presentation on the Complete Streets initiative, explaining it and the benefits of the projects. Residents were allowed to ask questions and voice concerns.

In addition to presenting the Complete Streets Master Plan, Major Ricelli informed residents that he and his team are committed to the town’s safety, and will play an active role in future projects as the town continues to grow.

The town recently was awarded a grant from the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to create a town-wide Complete Streets Master Plan. The Complete Street Master Plan will help the town prioritize county roads and is a gateway for funding to design and construct future roadway improvement projects. The master plan will study the following roadway sections: SW 87th Avenue, Franjo, Gulfstream and Marlin roads.

Town Mayor Peggy R. Bell was enthusiastic about the progress so far and the funding assistance.

“We are very excited about the possibility of studying additional roadway sections such as SW 87th Avenue, Franjo, Gulfstream and Marlin roads, and potential funding partnerships with the MPO and Miami-Dade County to construct these major roadways as Complete Streets,” Mayor Bell said.

To provide town residents another opportunity to ask questions and discuss the town-wide Complete Streets Master Plan, Quintero and Joseph Corradino, president of The Corradino Group, will be conducting the third Complete Streets Public Involvement Meeting at the Cutler Bay Business Association (CBBA) luncheon at East Ridge at Cutler Bay on Thursday, Mar. 9.

For information about the CBBA luncheon, visit or call 305-731-1931.

Those who missed the second Public Involvement Meeting or who would like more information regarding the town’s Complete Streets Master Plan may visit the town’s website at For questions or concerns, end email to the Public Works Department at or call 305-234-4262.

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