Staff members, students and their families at Dr. Edward L. Whigham Elementary School in Cutler Bay joined faculty and students from Cutler Bay Senior High (COAST program) and Cutler Bay Middle School (COAST program) to participate in the sixth annual World Wetlands Day Black Point cleanup at Black Point Marina and jetty.
There were more than 100 participants from Whigham in the project working from 9 a.m. until noon on a Saturday in February. The purpose of the event was to foster an appreciation for the local environment and to participate in community service. It was sponsored by Whigham’s WAVE Academy (Whigham Aquatic Visionary Explorers), serving students in second through fifth grade who participate in aquatic environmental studies.
They collected and removed 650 pounds of trash for a six-year total of more than 4,000 pounds. Items collected included plastic, glass, paper, clothing, shoes and construction debris.
There also were environmental displays for the students to see.
Adrian Delesdernier, a WAVE teacher at the school, was pleased with how the event turned out.
“Students are learning about the vital role wetlands play in our environment and this cleanup helps remind us how we can help protect this natural resource,” she said.
Darius Counts, a fifth grade student, has participated in the cleanup project for the past four years. The message he took away from the project was concise.
“Don’t throw your trash in the woods or water because it can hurt wildlife,” Counts said.
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