Miami Dade College’s (MDC) Miami Book Fair (MBF), the nation’s finest and largest literary gathering, has partnered with The de Groot Foundation to launch the Miami Book Fair/de Groot Prize which will be awarded to an author for an unpublished novella.
A novella is a work of fiction, 17,000-40,000 words. The winner will receive a $6,000 cash award, publication by prominent independent publisher Melville House, a reading at the Miami Book Fair, and a chance to read/participate in other programs at the fair. The two runners-up will each receive $2,000, and a reading at the Miami Book Fair. The three winners work will be publicized in print and online media.
The de Groot Foundation has a proud history of supporting the novella — first, through the Paris Literary Prize in partnership with Shakespeare in Company in Paris, and now through the Miami Book Fair/de Groot prize for the Novella.
“We are delighted to collaborate with the Miami Book Fair to discover and encourage talented unpublished authors,” said Charles and Clydette de Groot, co-Ddirectors of The de Groot Foundation.
Applicants may submit their unpublished novellas May 1- June 15. Winners of the award will be announced in November, prior to the 2017 Miami Book Fair. Guidelines and other pertinent information can be found at
For more information on the MBF/de Groot prize,and for Miami Book Fair updates, visit, call 305-237-3528 or send email to