According to the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), “smart technology is not a distant ship on the horizon and this ship has arrived in many of your communities,” including in the City of Coral Gables.
In the ICMA’s recent publication Smart Solutions: Technology Serving Communities, Coral Gables is the subject of a smart city case study done in 2017, based on interviews to city staff from the Information Technology Department and the Public Works Sustainability Division.
The City of Coral Gables is the only city in Florida featured in this case study.
City manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark is a credentialed manager with ICMA, a lead association providing support to more than 10,000 city, towns and organizations throughout the world. The ICMA publication is being promoted as a reference on how to implement a “smart community” approach, like is being done in Coral Gables as part of a strategic vision of fostering a culture of a high-performance organization.