A Robotics Exhibition took place on Saturday, July 28, as part of the Town of Cutler Bay’s Careers in STEM Summer Camp. Forty middle school students participated in the event that was the culmination of a six-week camp program.
The students put the robots they had built through their paces, dancing, racing and interacting with the audience of parents, friends and others attending. Some robots even solved a Rubik’s Cube puzzle.
Cutler Bay Mayor Peggy Bell said she was pleased with the way it all turned out.
“One of the concerns that our residents had is a lack of engaging activities for middle school youth in the summer,” Mayor Bell said. “Our staff developed the STEM Camp to help fill this gap in services. We are grateful to The Children’s Trust for believing in this new program. We were recently notified that The Children’s Trust will continue funding the STEM Camp for an additional five years. This is the key to ensuring that the future remains bright for the youth of this community.”
The town partners with instructors from Miami Dade College to teach students to engineer and program robots using the Lego Mindstorms EV3 system. Students receive hands-on instruction from Miami Dade instructors and town staff. Students then complete a series of quizzes that lead to an Introduction to Robotics Certification from Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute. This year 100 percent of the students met their benchmarks and 97 percent of the students earned the Introduction to Robotics Certification. Additional activities throughout the camp included weekly field trips, physical fitness, and special presentations such as Money Management, Environmental Conservation, and Bullying Prevention.
“This is the second year that the town is offering the Careers in STEM Summer Camp,” said town manager Ralph Casals. “The students are demonstrating so much creativity with their robot displays this year. I can’t wait to see what they do next year.”