Financial Planning Association to honor Harold Evensky with highest recognition

The Financial Planning Association (FPA), the country’s largest membership association for Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals and those who support the financial planning process, has announced Harold Evensky, CFP, as the recipient of the association’s and profession’s highest individual award — the 2018 P. Kemp Fain Jr. Award.

This pinnacle of recognition, in honor of the late P. Kemp Fain Jr. CFP, is bestowed on an individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the financial planning profession. To recognize those that follow in Fain’s footsteps, the 2018 P. Kemp Fain Jr. Award is presented to an individual who has realized outstanding achievements in the areas of service to society, academia, government and professional activities.

Evensky is chair and principal of Evenksy & Katz/Foldes Financial Wealth Management in Miami and Lubbock, TX, and Professor of Practice at Texas Tech University. He has served as chair of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc., CFP Board of Examinations, CFP Board’s Appeals Committee and as chair of the International CFP Council. Dedicated to the advancement of the financial planning profession, he served on the TIAA-CREF Institute Advisor Advisory Board, International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP) Board, Charles Schwab Institutional Advisory Board and Council, and Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Financial Planning and the Journal of Retirement.

Named as one of the profession’s “15 Transformational Advisors” by InvestmentNews and “Thirty for Thirty” in Investment Advisor’s IA 35 for 35, Evensky is the recipient of many awards and honors, including FPA’s Heart of Financial Planning Award, Investments & Wealth Institute J. Richard Joyner Wealth Management Impact Award, Bob Veres’ Insider’s Forum Leaders Award, Charles Schwab IMPACT Award®, and Dow Jones Investment Advisor Portfolio Management Award for Lifetime Achievement.

As a founding member of the Committee for the Fiduciary Standard, Evensky advocates for the authentic fiduciary standard established under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The Committee, composed of nationally recognized practitioners and professionals, provides an independent authoritative voice on fiduciary issues to the media, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, members of Congress, the U.S. Department of Treasury, and the U.S. Department of Labor.

Best known for his influence on building the profession over the past three decades, “Harold has been referred to as ‘The Dean of Financial Planning’ in both industry and public sectors. He has been one of the leading forces in our profession for many years, and is widely respected for his contributions, particularly in portfolio management,” note the award nominators.

An internationally recognized speaker on investment and financial planning issues, Evensky is author of Wealth Management, co-author of The New Wealth Management, and co-editor of the Investment Think Tank, Theory, Strategy and Practice for Advisers and Retirement Income Redesigned – Master Plans for Distribution.

“Like all past recipients of the P. Kemp Fain Jr. Award, Harold has meant so much to the financial planning profession and practitioners like me who have been touched by his leadership over the years,” said 2018 FPA president Frank Paré, CFP. “It will be my great honor to present the award to him at the FPA Annual Conference this October and know all of my peers will join me in congratulating Harold for this most well-deserved honor.”

Evensky will be honored at the 2018 FPA Annual Conference to be held, Oct. 3-5, in Chicago.

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