Renaissance of Customer Service

While the economy is still vastly in upswing and real estate is exploding with burgeoning luxury projects, and technology is leading and blazing trails into a new, mind-boggling digital era and so much more, it begs the question: are we prepared for this mega undertaking from the customer service standpoint? Rising waves of demand for customer service are swiftly going to hit the coastline of every business. , because what forges the relationship between businesses and their customers is ultimately the customer experience.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself about your customer service policies: How do we define, develop and amplify a vision for customers’ needs; How do we cultivate a hospitality culture; How do we get satisfied customer to become loyalcustomer then engaged customer; How do we convert a ranting customer into a ravingcustomer; how do we map out a viable and enduring customer retention strategy; how do we achieve and retain the coveted 4Rs (Revenue, Retention, Referral, Reputation).

As Aristotle so wisely said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Daniel Sharon is Founder & President of Regency Consulting Services., 305.948.6772,

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