What are you aiming for in life? Is your heart pointed toward helping others or are you too busy mapping out your own plans?
Can you be still and listen to your heart or are you too worried about your own problems to hear the message it is whispering?
Everything we do in life should be under the premise of following love. Walking in love is what allows us to impact other people’s lives. I remind myself every day how blessed I am to be able to make a difference in the lives of young men and women through the sport of basketball. Knowing that I can help them express the remarkable gifts they already have inside of them brings me great joy. This is one example of walking in love. However, love can look very different, depending on the situation.
We all know life is not simply a series of rainbows and pots of gold on the other side. So, what about those times that don’t seem so great? Like when the doctor calls you with unexpected test results. Or when one after another after another financial crisis hits your family. Do you throw yourself a pity party and wonder aloud why the universe hates you? If so, I urge you to flip the script and think that there may be a bigger purpose for the situation. What if, because you are loved, your current “unpleasant” situation was designed for you to learn something, and not to punish you. I am a fan of the phrase, “a setback is a setup for a comeback.” If we had no setbacks in our life, would we really appreciate the abundance we have? And if there were no setbacks, would we ever develop the grit and perseverance necessary to do extraordinary things? I believe the answer to both questions is NO.
The amazing thing about love is that we can never go wrong when our actions are aligned with it. In Romans 14:13, it states: “Therefore let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”
I challenge you to live by this principle. See ALL other human beings as your brothers and sisters and treat them with love.
Assume everyone is doing the best that they can, so give them a break and stop judging their behavior! What works for one person may not work for another. Forgive, help others with your gifts, and maintain a zeal for life. When you aim for these things, I promise that your life will be filled with a joy, love, and peace you cannot imagine.
Charlie Miller is an entrepreneur, public speaker, and master basketball trainer. He has owned his business, ATTACK Basketball Academy for 7 years and is passionate about mentoring the youth of today. You can contact him by email at charlie@attackbball.com.