Congresswoman Donna Shalala attends health care solutions event

U.S. Congresswoman Donna Shalala (D-FL-27) joined health care leaders in South Florida recently for a facility tour and roundtable discussion hosted by Florida Blue, a leading health care provider in Florida, and Better Care America, a nationwide voice for affordable and innovative health care coverage. The event focused on how policymakers and the public can partner to ensure hardworking Floridians have access to quality, affordable health care coverage – and how programs like Medicare Advantage are already working to improve our health care system.

Congresswoman Shalala, who previously served as the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary and now represents Florida’s 27th District in Congress, engaged in an interactive discussion on health care with attendees, saying:

“I have been proud to champion increasing access to quality, affordable healthcare throughout my career,” said Shalala. “I appreciated this opportunity to hear directly from providers, medical professionals and especially the seniors who rely on Medicare and Medicare Advantage. I would like to thank Better Care America for helping bring everyone together today.”

Roundtable participants – who also included Florida seniors who choose private Medicare Advantage plans and other local health and community stakeholders – discussed how health care leaders like Florida Blue can collaborate with lawmakers, employers, and community leaders to find solutions that ensure health care works for every Floridian. The conversation centered on how real Floridians feel about their health care – what’s working and what’s not – and how everyone can work together to improve and strengthen the current system.

“As the leading health insurer in Florida, we are committed to working toward and advocating for innovative health care solutions that increase access, lower costs and improve quality,” said Penny Shaffer, Florida Blue Market President. “We thank Congresswoman Donna Shalala and look forward to working with her, AHIP, and all stakeholders in supporting a competitive, stable and affordable health care system for all.”

The conversation underscored how innovative health care programs for individuals, families, employers and seniors (programs like Medicare Advantage for seniors) benefit South Florida residents. More than 1,900,000 of Florida’s seniors – and 132,521 in Representative Shalala’s district – choose private Medicare Advantage plans for their health needs. According to a recent poll by the Coalition for Medicare Choices, 90 percent of Americans who choose Medicare Advantage are satisfied with their private coverage.

Better Care America is a health care education project powered by America’s Health Insurance Plans, patients, and partners. It’s committed to working hand in hand with policymakers and the public to guarantee that every American has affordable coverage, access to high-quality care, and real control over their health care choices. To learn more, visit their website at

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