Some say The Barnacle Historic State Park is going to the dogs — and it’s true. On May 5, a pack of 850 dog lovers and their 203 canine friends came out to support the ninth annual “Woofstock.”
Once a year, this furry fun event, co-hosted by Equipaws Pet Services, celebrates everything pooch as The Barnacle Society opens up to pups for one dedicated day, along with great food, live music, dog adoptions, pet tricks, animal blessings, K9 Officer demos, and even big wet canine kisses.
One of the most unique and loving features of the event was the Kissing Booth at which United Against Breed Specific Legislation (UABSL) enlisted a volunteer’s American Pit Terrier named Lily to offer pooch smooches for $5 each. The donations go to support the group’s efforts at protecting and preserving the lives of canines everywhere, specifically by fighting against legislation directed toward one or more specific breeds of dogs.
For information, visit www.UnitedAgainstBSL.org.
The annual Woofstock and several other events throughout the year raise essential funds for The Barnacle Society Inc., a volunteer nonprofit, citizen-support organization created to generate public awareness, education, and financial support for the preservation and maintenance of The Barnacle Historic State Park — home of the oldest residence in its original location in all of Miami-Dade County.
Upcoming annual events include the ever-popular Cars & Cigars on Father’s Day, June 16, and The Barnacle’s July Fourth Picnic.
The Barnacle, built in 1891, offers a rare glimpse of old Florida during the “Era of the Bay.” Situated on the shore of Biscayne Bay, this was the home of Ralph Middleton Munroe, one of Coconut Grove´s most charming and influential pioneers.
Located at 3485 Main Hwy. in Coconut Grove, the park is administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
For general information, to become a volunteer, or to learn about Barnacle Society membership, call 305-442-6866 or visit www.TheBarnacle.org. Also visit www.floridastateparks.org/park/The-Barnacle.