Sally B. Philips is running for the office of Mayor of South Miami.
Dr. Philips has lived in South Miami for more than 21 years. She earned a Bachelor Degree in English from Cornell University and a doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Boston University. She was licensed in Massachusetts and New York as a psychologist. She spent some early work years teaching English to Junior High School students and counseling to masters level graduate students, but most of her professional life has been working in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) arena. While working as the manager of the Employee Advisory Services at MetLife in New York, she moved to South Miami. As soon as she was licensed in Florida, Dr. Philips took over directing the EAP at the University of Miami. Since retiring from the UM, she has volunteered to assist children, adolescents and adults. Since 2011, Sally has been active on resident boards of the City of South Miami government. She has served on the Planning and Zoning Board for eight years and is the current Chair. As a four-year Trustee on the Board of Trustees of the South Miami Police Officers’ Retirement Trust, Dr. Philips was instrumental in revitalizing and streamlining the administration of that Trust fund. Currently, she is the Secretary of this Board. In addition to improving and maintaining her home and working in her yard, she has recently accepted the responsibility of Coordinating District 21 of the AARP Tax-Aide program.
1. What prompted you to run for office?
“I decided to run when I saw no candidate I could support who had adequate experience, dedication, and integrity to maintain the healthy, stable and fiscally sound direction South Miami has been going.”
2. What do you think the most important or urgent issues are for the City of South Miami?
“There are two issues that I consider primary for my City: (1) revitalizing our downtown and (2) getting our homes off of septic tanks.”
3. Why do you think you are the best person for the job?
“I know how the government of South Miami works. I am the only candidate with uninterrupted recent service in the City’s government: I have served on City boards during the last eight years. I know how the Commission works. I know how to read the City’s code and how to work with the City’s staff. I know how to run a meeting from the Commission dais. And I know how to lead. I have held many leadership positions. Some I gained by being selected by my peers and some by being hired by employers. Among these positions are: elected union representative by the caseworkers in the New York City Department of Social Services (Welfare) office where I worked; selected by my colleagues to be Acting Dean of the Counseling Psychology Division of Lesley College Graduate School, and, then, elected by the faculty to be Chair of that Graduate Faculty; elected President of the International Association of Employee Assistance Professionals in Education; elected to various leadership positions in the Employee Assistant Professionals Association; recruited as District Coordinator for AARP Tax-Aide program. In South Miami, I chair the Planning and Zoning Board, I am Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Police Officers’ Retirement Trust, and I chaired the City Manager Selection Committee. I do not think that any one of the other candidates has served the length of time nor gained the depth of experience in the governance of the City of South Miami as I have. I suspect that none has held as many leadership positions as I have.”
Dr. Philips’ campaign website is
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