More than 150 people attended the first night of Hanukkah celebration in the Village of Palmetto Bay. It was a truly enchanting event for children and adults alike.
Chabad of Palmetto Bay and Deering Bay conducted a Festival of Lights celebration at Coral Reef Park that included the menorah lighting, delicious donuts, fresh latkes, Kosher barbecue, along with music, dancing, face painting, kids crafts and the mega highlight the year, the highly anticipated Chocolate Gelt (coin) drop.
It was raining chocolate for the first time in Palmetto Bay. The gelt was not the result of extreme weather patterns or even a 21st Century Hanukkah miracle. Rather it was raining with the help of the local Miami-Dade Fire Department station and the ingenious Rabbi Zalman Gansburg and Chani Gansburg. Amazing memories were created as the children collected the chocolate that dropped from the sky.