WOW! 15 YEARS STRONG! It is truly amazing to know where we’ve come from, and where we are now as a city. Fifteen years may not seem like a long time to many but knowing some said we wouldn’t make it past two, we’ve learned to appreciate all the hard work, dedication and commitment it took to bring us this far. From infrastructure, organization, beautification, education, innovation, implementation, collaboration and adequate representation, we have certainly held true to our commitment of being “The City of Positive Progression”. Our trending success in all of these areas have made it quite hard for residents, surrounding communities and municipalities to not take notice of all of our efforts to ensure that the City of West Park remains a great place to live, work and play.
In fact, some of our most recent success speaks to this never-ending quest. During fiscal year 2018-2019, the Commission successfully implemented the following:
• A Community Benefit Program which serves as a mechanism to assist qualifying low income residents in Minor Home Repair, Childcare Assistance & Hazardous Tree Trimming.
2019 Minor Home Repair Grant Recipients
• A collaborative P\partnership with Broward College’s Broward UP (Unlimited Potential) Program, which addresses area concerns of high unemployment rates, low education attainment and low household income levels by providing FREE courses that will increase college access and attendance, improve degree and certificate attainment and holistically raise social and economic mobility throughout the community;
October 2019: Flag Raising Ceremony and Launch of Broward College’s BrowardUp Program
at McTyre Park.
• The design, construction and opening of the Water Tower Park, which enhances the City’s beatification efforts, provides families and children with additional recreational space, and improves upon the County’s level of service standard of open space acreage to resident ratio.
April, 2019 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Water Tower Park
These are just a few of the City’s successes that strive to meet the basic needs and desire for every resident to obtain a better quality of life in the areas of safety, education, employment and recreation.
Although we have come a long way and have had many successes in our fifteen year history, we recognize that we are far from done. With the clear understanding that “Success is not a destination, it is a journey”, we know that there is still much more work to do and many advancements and improvements to be made.
However, in the midst of our efforts, we deem it absolutely necessary and highly appropriate to pause for a brief moment to celebrate how far we’ve come and acknowledge those who’ve worked tirelessly to get us here. I would be totally remiss if I did not personally take this opportunity to thank all of our residents, neighborhood pioneers, community partners, city staff, and both former and current local and state elected officials for the outstanding work that has taken place. We appreciate every concern, value every input, acknowledge every advancement and commend every act of involvement. It has definitely been, and will continue to be, a collaborative effort moving forward to ensure our success for many years to come.
May God bless you all and our GREAT CITY!