Firefighters/paramedics need your help to spread the message

    Help us stop the spread of germs by helping us spread this message!
    In an effort to spread the message to our community, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue firefighters want to ask members of our community to practice social distancing and be safe by staying home.  Today, several stations around the County displayed signs thanking residents for staying home and for keeping social distance, like shown in these photos.
    These men and women go to work everyday not knowing what they will encounter, putting their own lives at risk, a sacrifice that is only made so they can help people in a time of need.
    Our first responders emphasize the importance of having everyone be an active participant in the fight against this invisible enemy that has disrupted and devastated so many lives around the world. They are doing their part by coming to work to keep you safe, lets all work together toward this common cause.

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