More than 50 volunteers from Southwest Miami- Dade organizations, including the Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations (KFHA), joined Farm Share staffers to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys and fixings to more than 1,200 families on Nov. 12.
Canned goods, corn, rice and fresh vegetables were topped with large-sized bottles of lemonade to fill waiting arms and shopping bags for three hours at South Dade Park off SW 167th Avenue.
Commissioner Lynda Bell, who provided funding for turkey purchases through donations, was on hand to see that all who came left with a Thanksgiving bird.
“When I arrived at 9:40 [a.m.] the line was already up to about 500,” said Michael Rosenberg, KFHA vice president for marketing.
“The front part of the line arrived at 7 a.m., three hours before we started. For me, this was a moving experience,” he added.
“It’s really not unusual,” said Patricia Robbins, Farm Share executive and organizer of the program that distributes surplus Homestead-grown produce and contributes packaged food items the year- around to aid those in need.
“Thousands of less fortunate people depend on Farm Share to provide nutritious food and we would not be able to regularly provide this service, free of charge, without our supporters,” she explained.
Florida Department of Agriculture provides facilities at three State Farmers Markets as well as equipment and management assistance, “a key ingredient in the tremendous success of Farm Share’s food recovery program,” she said.
Commissioner Joe Martinez, who donated a transit bus to Farm Share for outreach, has distributed food at his annual Easter Festival for more than five years through the statewide program.
“Farm Share greatly appreciates the assistance and services provided by our admirable supporters, who, without their help will have Farm Share with nothing to share,” Robbins added.
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