The Recreation And Fitness Exposition will take place at the Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex Saturday January 21, 2012 from 10am – 4pm. The Recreation And Fitness Expo will raise awareness to both Miami Gardens and Miami Dade County residents of all the services offered by the City Of Miami Gardens Parks And Recreation Department as well as validate the importance of parks and recreation in a community. The expo will also have a health and fitness slogan entitled “being aware” of your health. We will have vendors that will educate participants on the various apects of living a healthy lifestyle and the importance of fitness.
This year, in support of the first lady, Michelle Obama’s “let’s move” campaign, we have added a 5k run/walk starting at 7:30am until 9:30am. The expo will be a fun filled day of sporting activities, live entertainment, vendors, fitness challenges and much more!
The Recreation And Fitness Expo is a family event you don’t want to miss! If you are interested in being a vendor or a sponsor for this event, please. contact Joshua Rhodes at (305) 622-8080 or
Who: City Of Miami Gardens Parks And Recreation Department
What: Recreation And Fitness Exposition
When: Saturday January 21, 2012 From 10am – 4pm
Where: Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex
Contact: Carl Williams (305) 622-8080 Cwilliams1@Miamigardens-Fl.Gov