Science has proven that the Universe is full of cosmic energy. Science has also proven that human beings have an electrical field and emit electrical impulses, as well. It is very important that you accept that fact. Once you accept that fact you can connect with your own energy field your own life force and the energy of others. Stretch yourself beyond common assumptions and beliefs. Acknowledging your innate power strengthens and enhances it. Feel it. Believe in it. Encourage and support it in others. It is the beginning of something wonderful. It is the first step to your transformation and empowerment.
There are many forces in life. Your own life force is your primary force. It is fundamental to your being. It is an expression of your power and dynamic energy. Other forces like your creative force and your guiding force are part of that original force. You have the power to influence others and the world at large. What kind of force or energy are you sending out to others?
Beyond your own individual emissions, you have the ability to receive the electrical impulses of others. Perhaps, someone is sending you a “Mayday.” Mayday is the internationally recognized distress signal. Given the nature of life, here is no doubt that people around you may be sending out a distress signal. It may be a weak signal or a strong one. Don’t ignore it Respond to it. Remind them that they have the power within them as well. Become their guiding force. Be the star burst of electrical energy that lights their way and changes their ions from negative to positive.
Remind yourself daily of what you are made of. Stay aware of your force field. Focus on that vibrant force as you face the challenges in your life. Use all of your creative forces to reach your full potential. May you be a force for good. May you use your force to enable and ennoble others.
Patricia Frank is a Licensed Psychotherapist. She can be reached at 305-788-4864, 212-308-0309. FRANKLY SPEAKING Patricia C. Frank