Former UnitedHealthcare CEO joins fast growing Medicare risk enterprise

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Genuine Health Group, a Miami-based enablement platform leading the industry’s transition to value-based care, made the announcement that Roger Rodriguez, former CEO of UnitedHealthcare’sMedicare & Retirement business for Florida and other Southeast states, will join the com pany in a senior leadership role.

Rodriguez, who left UHC in 2022, will leadefforts to expand Genuine Health’s partnerships and build new risk relation ships with Medicare Advantage payers, and drive growth of Genuine’s ACO Reach program throughout the Southeast, including Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama.

Through its value-based agreements with leading Medicare Advantage plans and its ACO Reach program under direct contract from Medicare, Genuine Health Group sup ports more than 300 physicians in delivering value-based care to over 45,000 of those physicians’ Medicare patients.

“Following his retirement from United, Roger was one of the most highly re cruited healthcare executives in the coun try. His decision to join Genuine is a strong endorsement of Genuine’s value based model and leadership team. His ex pertise in scaling and managing a multi-state business is exactly what we need to support our ambitious growth plans,” said Joe Caruncho, CEO of Gen uine Health Group. “He will initially serve as senior advisor and immerse himself in our day-to-day operations.”

At UnitedHealthcare, Rodriguez over saw 650,000 Medicare Advantage mem bers and managed $7 billion in profit and loss revenue. His tenure included success fully integrating Medica HealthCare Plans and Preferred Care Partners into the Unit edHealthcare family, while strategically launching a combined three-branded port folio, “United for South Florida,” to the market, which resulted in industry-leading growth for five consecutive years.

In addition, Rodriguez’s statewide Florida market achieved 4.5-Star quality
ratings from CMS across the entire state Roger Rodriguez including the first ever 5-Star quality rated UHC plan in Florida.

“Joe Caruncho and his team at Gen uine Health Group have demonstrated you can successfully transition independ ent primary care doctors to value-based care,” Rodriguez said. “They’ve built an effective model for managing risk for both Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare patients. And now, with the support of our capital partner, Crestline Investors, we’re expanding that model statewide in Florida and across the Southeast.”

Genuine Health Group secured a $160 million investment from Crestline In vestors in August 2021, which helped fuel the company’s expansion into Texas and South Carolina, where it has achieved record growth. In fact, the company was recognized as one of the “Fastest Growing Companies” by the South Florida Busi ness Journal.

Genuine Health Group is an analytics-dri ven healthcare company that assists physi cians and health plans in successfully transitioning to value-based payment models.

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