Coral Gables Troop 7 Celebrates 100 Years of Scouting

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Coral Gables was thoughtfully designed by George Merrick and his vision and city plan set a standard that still defines the tone and ambience of the City Beautiful today.

As part of the public spaces that make the city so enjoyable for residents, Merrick set aside an outdoor environment for scouting that is now located in the middle of the Granada Golf Course.  He built a rustic log cabin for the scouts in 1926. It burned to the ground in 1971, but the old chimney still remains as a historic landmark and the scouts of Troop 7, Pack 7, Girl Troop 719 and Crew 7 still meet there every week in their clubhouse at 1107 South Greenway Drive.

On Saturday, January 13, 2024, they will be celebrating 100 years of scouting in Coral Gables.


The evening will include a scouting skills demonstration, including dutch oven cooking, knot tying and pioneering, a memorabilia display.

The Troop 7 Scouting programs are tremendous assets for our youth and community,” said Rich Richards, Troop 7 Scoutmaster (2015-2022).  “We are so proud to be shepherds of the legacy and are blessed to have the opportunity to celebrate in our “Scout Hut” on the same hallowed grounds that George Merrick set aside for Scouting over 100 years ago”.

Bruce Jacobs, Scoutmaster for Girl Troop 719, emphasizes how the scouting program has made such a difference in so many families for 100 years.  “I am so proud they opened scouting to girls five years ago. What an experience sharing this with my sons and my daughter.” 

The festivities start at 4:30, with a historic flag ceremony at 6pm and a buffet dinner buffet dinner by The Daily Bread.


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