Dare to Dream by Mario Vazquez

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In my 71 years, I have never seen someone who wakes up in the morning thinking, “Okay, let me do my best to fail today.” I know that sounds crazy, to say the least, but the majority of people do not have  a plan to guide them through life. Sooner or later,  this lack of planning can lead to failure and  frustration for both women and men aged 20 and up. Rather that asking, “Where you see yourself in 5 years?” I question you, “Where you thought you would be today, five years ago?” 

Have you ever wondered about what you want to accomplish in life? Do you have a life  plan, a roadmap to guide you through your daily activities? Do you have many goals you  want to achieve in life but don’t know where to begin? 

Being successful requires discipline and starts with clarifying your important roles and  their corresponding goals. From there, you will need to make a plan and learn to visualize  yourself achieving each goal. 

Start by identifying your main roles. We all have different roles in life: being a son,  brother, sister, student, mother, father, wife, husband, or even a tennis or golf player. It is  difficult to be successful in one role without overlooking others; sooner or later, your life  will be affected by the ones you neglect. 

As a coach, I have helped successful business executives who barely knew what their  wives and children were doing or wanted in life. I helped them recover their family life by  aligning their common interests and forging a strong union. 

Once the goals for your key roles are set, you must create a plan to reach them and start  visualizing achieving them. We will discuss planning in another article, but for now, let’s  focus on visualization a technique often used by successful people in sports, arts, and  politics. Visualization provides them with the strength to keep moving toward success by  seeing themselves achieving their goals. 

Our brains do not distinguish between real and imaginary events, so both tangible and  imaginary realities influence our behavior, creating patterns of conduct. When you visual ize generating the image of what you want to achieve (an imaginary reality that you have  not yet experienced), the subconscious mind seeks ways to make it happen. Your behavior  will be influenced by this information, leading to different results based on the situation. 

To transform an imaginary reality into a tangible one, you need to repeatedly practice  your visualization not just once or twice. When the reality you create in your imagina tion aligns with the goals you want to achieve, that’s what we call your vision. 

Dare to dream! However, it is not magic, and it is not simply about having positive  thoughts; it is a technique that requires a learning process, like any other skill. Coaching is a process designed to help define and achieve clear, specific, meaningful  personal or professional goals. A coach helps you unlock your potential and guides you  in creating a plan that prioritizes key goals, aligning them with your values and long-term  vision to foster personal growth. A coach will provide support and encouragement to help  you stay committed to those plans through self-reflection, support, and motivation. In  summary, coaching empowers individuals to achieve their potential, enhancing their per formance, confidence, and overall satisfaction in many aspects of life.

For more information, contact: **Professional Guidance, LLC**  Mario Vazquez, Professional Executive Coach / 305-972-8469 mvazquez@proguide.pro /www.proguide.pro  

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