Brian W. Pariser, the incumbent vice mayor of Palmetto Bay, is running for re-election and hopes to carry on the work he has been doing for the people of the village.
“In 2008, I had the privilege of being elected vice mayor of the Village of Palmetto Bay,” Pariser said. “I have decided to run for re election for a second term as vice mayor in order to continue providing to the residents the highest level of municipal services at one of the lowest municipal tax rates in all of Miami-Dade County — making Palmetto Bay one of the most desirable communities to own a residence and raise a family.”
Pariser said that he supports smart innovative municipal programs, but only at the most fiscally conservative price.
“I believe the best public policy decisions are made after listening to resident input to arrive at a balanced decision,” he said. “I have led in promoting accessibility and transparency for resident interaction with our municipal government during my term as vice mayor. I will continue to sponsor municipal policies that enhance the quality of life, quiet enjoyment and value of our homes, for the benefit of vast majority of residents who own their residence as their primary asset.
“I review every expenditure the same way I do for my household budget and my business — in order to get the biggest cost-effective benefit for the residents for every tax dollar spent.”
He graduated from the University of Miami Law School in 1974 and received his undergraduate degree from Syracuse University.
Pariser has lived in the village since 1992 with his wife, Cathy, and their three grown children, all of whom attended Coral Reef Elementary, Southwood Middle and Coral Reef High School. He said that his experience as a practicing civil and commercial attorney in Miami-Dade County for the past 38 years has benefited his analysis and decisions on complex issues that come before the my term as vice mayor, I supported the fight against the county to end mitigation payments that cost our village $1.3 to $1.8 million annually.
“My first budget year on the council, taxes were lowered. For the past three budget years the village has kept level the municipal tax millage rate, increased village reserves to 40 percent in excess of generally accepted levels, has had three years of unqualified annual fiscal audits, resulting in our village having a AA-Bond rating.”
Pariser said that the village has one of the lowest village employee to resident ratios, and he supports contracting with Miami-Dade County for the Village Policing Force.
“To better inform the residents as to expenditures, I supported publishing the village checkbook on the village website, increasing to seven days the publishing of the council agenda, and televising village meetings on Channel 77,” Pariser added.
He has served on a variety of panels and committees that have impacted directly the safety, zoning and growth of the surrounding community, including the Long Range Planning Committee, Village Hall/Police Complex Advisory Committee, and Palmetto Bay’s Charter Review Committee.
“My continued commitment is to limit the role of local government to core municipal services, to wit: public safety, parks and recreation, public works, planning and zoning,” Pariser said. “As vice chairman of the Palmetto Bay Incorporation Steering Committee from 1995 to 2002, I fought for the right to establish local control of our tax dollars, increase accessibility to local government and accountability for local elected officials, and have been recognized by the village council as one of the ‘Founding Fathers’ of Palmetto Bay. I am proud to stand on my record as your vice mayor.”
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