Dear Editor:
I would like to set the record straight about an article published about my candidacy for Pinecrest Village Council, Seat 3. The interview article that appears in your recent September, 2012 issue quoted me saying, “I don’t know the issues.” That’s incorrect. Of course, I know the issues. I have been chairman of the Transportation Advisory Committee for the past 18 months and I have been walking the Village since April, talking to people, listening to their concerns and learning the issues most important to them.
After the article was published, your reporter kindly provided me with her shorthand notes of the interview which reflect the context of that part of the interview. At the time, I was saying, “While I don’t know all the issues that will come before the Council in the future, I will base my votes on the facts and information presented and make the best decision I can, but I won’t make promises now on any issues in order to get elected.”
I appreciate the service your paper performs for the Village and I’m aware that newspaper quotes, taken down by the reporter in a rush, occasionally are reported in a fashion that takes the quote out of the context, such as in this circumstance. Thank you for letting me set the record straight.
Sincerely yours,
James E. McDonald