Don’t just do something… stand there!

We live in a culture that thrives on dynamism and constant movement. As we watch the commentators on a news program, twitter feed or stock prices are scrolling beneath. The rate of innovation in our communication devices is so rapid, that a two-year-old instrument is already obsolete. Internet search engines give us answers to our questions in a matter of seconds. Why, even theme parks understand our need for constant motion as they organize their lines like intricate snakes so that we feel like we’re going someplace the entire time.

As I write this column, the stores are filled with shoppers making holiday purchases. The sense of motion is all about us and it adds a frantic note to our already busy lives. Meanwhile, in the Lutheran tradition of which I am a part, we are in the midst of a church season named Advent, during which we are called to wait, and watch, and be still as we await the coming of Christmas. It seems countercultural while the world moves at breakneck speed around us and yet, its value cannot be underestimated. No matter where we draw nourishment for our spiritual life, we all share a critical need to wait upon God. The Internet may provide information instantaneously, but when it comes to questions of faith, meaning and purpose, the answers are perceived through discernment. We need to stop, lay our questions before God and engage in quiet, prayerful consideration, all of which requires more listening than talking, and more stillness than movement.

The progress that movement implies is exciting and energizing, but the beauty of waiting and watching provides meaning and peace.


Rev. Kathryn Carroll serves as Pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church, 11295 SW 57th Ave. The annual ‘Wonder of Christmas’ light display and events are nightly, Dec. 21-23, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Christmas Eve worship is at 7 p.m. (family service), 9 p.m. and l1 p.m. Sunday worship is at 8:15 a.m. and 10 a.m., with children’s Sunday school also at 10 a.m.

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