Attention Everyone please we have only two spots left for the morning The SoMi Fitness JNL FUSION CHALLENGE that is starting on Wednesday January 9th and 10 spots left for the evening class. It will run for two months. Please try to come in before the 9th so we can get started with the measurements and eating plan before the 9th. New year to a NEW YOU !!!!!!
Have anyone look at Google and look up what their training and Nutrition Coach have done and how many people lives they have change. Don’t look at their body but by their clients success rate !!!! We at SoMi Fitness we let your clients talk for us. This facility is not a social gathering or a pick up spot but a 2000 Sq ft training facility that the main focus is changing your health and fitness. Let 2013 be the year that you demand better of yourself. Go to the people that will guide you to a new healthy lifestyle not texting you health away. SoMi Fitness ” Where Great Bodies Are Made “
For more information please feel free to contact Unni Greene at SoMi Fitness (305) 775-4128.