We are walking on Sunday, February 10, 2013, for children with special needs and we are asking for your support to help us reach our goal.

ZTEk3352285It’s not every day you see a child or teenager with special needs being embraced and accepted for who they are. But at the Friendship Circle of Miami it is a part of everyday life for many special needs children living in Miami. The Friendship Circle provides their “special friends” a chance to learn and socialize in an environment that not only accepts them, but celebrates their spirit. The Friendship Circle of Miami offers many different programs and services to these special children and their families, and by incorporating their teenage volunteers a simple act of friendship is developed and lasts for many years!

You see, the spirit of a child with special needs is one of loving friendship. Their ability to love others and see the world through innocent, nonjudgmental eyes is a quality that most people only hope to one day achieve. This quality is a gift given every day between the volunteers and their “special friends” at the Friendship Circle.

The work of the Friendship Circle of Miami has inspired me and touched my life in many ways, and that is why I have chosen to participate in OUR Walking4Friendship 2013 3K Walk and Community Carnival on February 10, 2013. I am writing today to ask you for a donation. By donating to the Walking4Friendship fundraising event, you can join me and the Friendship Circle of Miami in our mission to open loving arms to our “special friends”. 100% of your donation will go toward their programs servicing children and teenagers with special needs and their families. Your feelings of making a genuine difference in a child’s life will last a lifetime.

To donate to me or my team please click the link below. For those of you that have already donated and moved us closer to our goal thank you! Your response to my request would really mean a great deal to me, but more importantly, it will mean a great deal to families in this community who really need this relief and support.

If you are in the area on February 10, 2013, please come to the Walking4Friendship event with your family and friends! And if possible, please continue to share this email with your friends and family and open the opportunities of more support for this amazing community organization!


Thank you so much!!

In Friendship,

Grant & Michael Miller PS – Your contribution is tax-deductible. Any amount will help. Please help me go that extra mile for a child with special needs – for every child deserves a friend.

PS – If you live in the area, please join us on February 10th at 9am for the Walking 4 Friendship event. You will be so touched by the love, warmth and friendship of these very special children.



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