Rick Berks, a successful South Florida entrepreneur and founder of Youfit Health Clubs (www.youfithealthclubs.com), has promised tremendous growth in South Florida — and he has kept his word.
His newest Miami club, in the Winn-Dixie Plaza at 3900 SW 112 Ave., just off Bird Road, is his 18th in South Florida. He is planning on opening another Miami club in a few months. and is growing nationally, as well. The new club is his 56th in America.
Berks’ business model is different than those of traditional health clubs. There are no long-term contracts (you pay by the month). There are no intimidating bodybuilders or gym rats (the clubs aren’t designed for them), no singles scenes, and no pressure to join — there are no salespeople or pushy instructors.
In addition, these may be the “greenest” gyms in America. The floors, for example, are made of recycled tires or Nike “grind” (recycled sneakers).
“You’d be amazed at how many people actually tell me they’d have to get in shape before they’ll walk into a club,” Berks said. “So we’re building clubs for people who want to work out in a relaxed, non-threatening environment, without the trauma and drama of the usual health club.”
These are clubs where “you” can “fit” in, without feeling uncomfortable and without feeling pressure from pushy salespeople. And the fees are probably the lowest you’ll ever see for a first-rate fitness club.
“We’re proud of our South Florida heritage, and the way we’ve been received here,” Berks said. “And we’re just starting. We’re opening another club here in Miami soon, and we’re looking at additional new locations here. We’re creating new businesses here, and new jobs. And we’re creating them in an environmentally-friendly way.”
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